3 Security Mistakes to Avoid if You Own a Classic Car

Hello! My name is Danny and I recently had a couple of safes installed. I have a safe installed in the office of my business so I could keep any money and important documents safe when I am not around. At home, I had a gun safe installed in my basement so I could store my shotguns safely and securely. It was only when chatting to the locksmith that I realised how little I knew about the professional. I have since called in the same locksmith so he could review the security of my home and I have learnt an awful lot.

3 Security Mistakes to Avoid if You Own a Classic Car

3 Security Mistakes to Avoid if You Own a Classic Car

8 September 2017
, Blog

Classic cars are classy and elegant in an old fashioned kind of way. If you own one, you probably know the value and pride associated with these vintage automobiles. However, just like modern vehicles, classic cars are prone to theft. What's more, some things you do may be increasing the risk of theft by exposing your valuable piece of machinery to car thieves. Here are some of these mistakes and the steps that you can take to prevent them.

Failing to update the locks

Most classic cars are at least five decades old, and this means that the locking systems used during their manufacture are already obsolete. Car thieves today use sophisticated techniques to break into and steal modern cars with high-tech features. Manipulating the outdated lock cylinders on classic vehicles would be a piece of cake. Consider changing your car's locks for modern ones with more secure features to maximize the safety of the vehicle.

 If you still want to maintain the old parts or preserve the vintage feel on those old keys, you can talk to a locksmith about re-pinning the cylinders. This can go a long way to protect your treasure from the modern tactics such as lock picking, starting with a false key, or hammer attacks.

Relying on classic security measures

In an attempt to maintain the vintage aspect of the car, most people don't bother to install any modern security systems which could ruin the old school feel. As a result, you will find most classic car owners relying on outdated security precautions such as the gearshift locks, steering wheel locks, battery cutoff switches, and deadlock features. These features are useful, but only to the extent that one doesn't understand much about them. Unfortunately, today's thieves have dealt with them for years.

Don't rely exclusively on the 1970s precautionary features as these won't do you any good. While some vintage cars may have complicated deadlock features, it is essential to beef up the security. Adopt advanced anti-theft features such as car keys with fobs that have electronic immobilizers, steering wheel lock, automatic kill switches, a tracker, and much more. Also, install an alarm system and hook it up to a backup battery so that thieves can't deactivate it.

Improper parking

It is not unusual to find owners of classic cars leaving their vehicles out on the driveway at night. Having secure parking for your vehicle is essential. Leave it in the garage at night and when no one is home. Also, ensure that the garage has a quality and burglar-proof locking system. Note that classic cars are valuable and someone may break into your garage to steal it. Contact a professional locksmith who can recommend the latest technology locks for your garage.

About Me
Installing a Safe on Your Property

Hello! My name is Danny and I recently had a couple of safes installed. I have a safe installed in the office of my business so I could keep any money and important documents safe when I am not around. At home, I had a gun safe installed in my basement so I could store my shotguns safely and securely. It was only when chatting to the locksmith that I realised how little I knew about the professional. I have since called in the same locksmith so he could review the security of my home and I have learnt an awful lot.
